Services and Solutions 


The audit of financial statements is a source of work to generate value to our customers, formulating useful and effective suggestions to help strengthen the internal control system.

Accounting Outsourcing

We support you in the preparation of monthly financial statements and in compliance with the requirements established by the Tax Administration, your Head Office and the Social Security

Tax Advice

Let us support to ensure proper compliance with laws and regulations applicable your business’s operations, in addition to advise you on your tax strategy.

IT Audit

Let us support in the review, diagnosis, evaluation and recommendations on the various business units of your organization.

Management Consulting

With over 30 years of experience, let us help you be a customer who dreams and sleeps peacefully with its mission and organization.

Transfer Pricing and Others

Transfer pricing study, business registration, legal representation, training for internal auditors and others.

Fixed Assets Inventory

Physical Inventory is a seemingly simple task, but must be carefully planned and executed. We

Audit of Financial Statements

The audit of financial statements is a source of work to generate value to our customers, formulating useful and effective suggestions to help strengthen the internal control system.

We understand that the auditing of financial statement is an independent activity performed in order to verify that the financial statements prepared by the client have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles, laws or administrative policies contained in a specific regulatory framework. Examples of regulatory frameworks are: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS and NIF-SP), Law on Income Tax, Accounting Manual issued by the Superintendence of Banks of Guatemala and others.

Important advice: “A good internal control contributes to the accuracy of financial statements and consequently to strengthen the decision – making process for our customers to do more and better business. Supporting this, we guarantee a long – term relationship with our customers “- Lic. Amory Gonzalez C.

Understand how to prepare for a Financial Audit

Operational Audit


The operational audit review allows us to make a depth analyses to our customers’ operations. Based on the strategic plan, we help different units audited to identify properly aligned operational objectives to business, to design new controls to reduce operational risk, to validate the proper functioning of established controls and generally diagnose the quality of its system of internal control.

This, altogether with providing greater accuracy the financial statements, enables our customers to ensure compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the business, optimize resources invested and to establish reliable information systems that contribute to achieving the objectives proposed in the Strategic plan.

 Computer Systems and IT Auditing


Revisions to the security of information technology (IT) based on the COBIT model.

 Other audits


Let us support in the review, diagnosis, evaluation and recommendations on the various business units of your organization. We offer the following services:

  • Internal audit assessment
  • Forensic audit
  • Special audit

Accounting and BPO Outsourcing


We support you in the preparation of monthly financial statements and in complying with the requirements established by the Tax Administration (SAT), your Head Office and the Social Security (IGSS). We can also support you with service personnel Outsourcing Management and others.


Here some accounting advice on how to strengthen your internal control.

Financial Control


Accounting is a thing of the past. Today, companies need to have real-time financial business information available at all times and in all places, increase business visibility and intelligence, make accurate and quick decisions, and a number of other attributes related to making companies more capable. stand out in the new competitive environment.

Introducing our new Financial Control service.

The business world of the 21st century is changing at an unprecedented pace. As the world becomes more digital and global, organizations need to be more agile than their competitors, not only the existing ones, but also the new ones that may appear at any time.

Our financial control service allows us to meet all these needs, integrating additional features such as process automation and CRM, allowing organizations to be more dynamic, more agile, more flexible and more competitive.



Automation of processes for continuous compliance with revenue recognition, tax requirements, approvals, permits and reports, allowing granular control by the customer, supplier, profitability, etc. Keep track of your organization’s key indicators and processes

Real-time visibility

Financial information for any part of the enterprise at any summary or grouping level, allowing granularity and traceability to the underlying transactional details from any location or device.

Perform approvals, process reviews, controls over the effectiveness of equipment and processes from any device. We give you the opportunity to manage your organization’s productivity from the palm of your hand.



Automation of financial indicators and operation reports, generating timely, consolidated and centralized financial closure. Management of the entire closing period of activities to reduce time and resources dedicated to investigating and resolving errors.

Payroll Management

The calculation of attributable taxes, bonds and legal benefits can be a complex and delicate process to perform. In case of error, it can represent substantial fines and having experts in your organization can be expensive. This is why we offer the service of payroll management and labor advice, where our accounting and tax experts offer a higher level of security and at the same time, allow you to focus on your business, leaving these administrative tasks in specialized hands, with peace of mind to be able to grow more your company.

Legal Representation


On many occasions, foreign companies require a trusted local person to represent them in Guatemala, to take care of their interests. It is for this reason that commonly this companies hire experts in accounting or legal issues, to advise them in compliance with local requirements and also to be legally responsible for their business at the local level. This is where our representation services have great value.

Tax Counseling

Let us support to ensure proper compliance with laws and regulations applicable your business’s operations, in addition to advise you on your tax strategy. Rely your organization on experts, learn about our services:

  • Tax Consulting
  • Tax planning
  • Tax Defense

Tax Recovery


It is not strange to find companies that experienced fines and charges that should not proceed from the SAT. Sometimes this is caused due to mistaken criteria and others due to human failures. For the recovery of tax credit it is important to have specialized people performing this type of activities, we have proven experience in winning this type of lawsuits, including cases that go from fiscal to labor matters. With us, you can rest assured that we will support you in the most personalized way to ensure that the adjustments or due fines are recovered by your company.

Tax Planning


Many times, companies do not know the advantages and incentives offered by the law to invest and promote more business, so they end up paying more taxes and not taking advantage of the incentives and tax shields offered by current legislation. This is where good tax planning allows you to reduce the tax burden and take advantage of all the benefits offered by the law to enhance your investments and achieve better results. Let us advise you.



Accounting, Tax and Legal Advisory Solutions – ATLAS es una fuente de asesoría técnica diseñada para ayudar a los contadores en el manejo de consultas relacionadas con la gestión contable, desde diferentes perspectivas: fiscal, administrativa, NIIF y gerencia.

Para cumplir con este propósito, ATLAS cuenta con el apoyo de DFK International, una firma de servicios de contabilidad pública con sede en Londres, establecida en 1968. DFK está representada en Guatemala por Amory González, firma de CPA establecida en 1984. La versión inicial de ATLAS se lanzó el comercializó en 1990 ofreciendo por primera vez una versión digital como fuente de consulta para el análisis e interpretación de las leyes tributarias guatemaltecas. A partir de esa fecha, ATLAS ha mantenido un registro histórico de las modificaciones a las leyes fiscales.

Transfer Prices


As organizations begin to grow, they generate strategic alliances and separate their own operations, in a way that allows them to have a higher level of specialization and efficiency. However, in these cases, an association or co-ownership between the parties, should take care of how the handling of prices on goods or services exchanged, both domestically and internationally, is done. The law states that, in the case of related parties, these prices must respond to the market and under no circumstances should these transactions be used to increase profits or reduce the payment of taxes. The study of transfer pricing is the mean by which organizations show that the prices they have agreed with the related parties, respond to the principle of full competition and therefore to market laws. Making it clear to the tax administration that they have declared the taxes they are supposed to pay.

Management Consulting


With over 30 years of experience, let us help you become a customer who dreams peacefully with its mission and organization. We offer consulting services in the following areas:

  1. Risk analysis: Evaluation of the different areas of the organization based on risk factors, to identify critical areas.
  2. Expenditures Quality Analyses
  3. Evaluation and improvement of the Internal Audit 
  4. Head Hunting (Internal Auditors, Financial Managers & Head of Accounting)
  5. Financial and Accounting Consulting
  6. Budget planning
  7. Strategic planning

Internal Control Advisory 

The internal control is the basis to ensure that a business has the ability to meet its objectives. Part of the principles for success is that a business must fully know its risks and manage them to provide not only business continuity but also the ability to comply with its planning and operation. In this sense, many organizations do not have adequate controls over their critical processes, to ensure that they are fully capable of meeting market demands and react to unforeseen changes. Often they react until it is too late, having to bear substantial losses.

With our years of experience advising companies in the creation of an adequate control environment, we are able to support you, no matter how big, small or medium-sized your company is, so that you are able to ensure the ability of your business to comply with the objectives and challenges that arise.

Learn more about the COSO Model 

Internal Audit


Internal audit is a pillars in the creation of the control environment. It is much more than just financial audit or fraud prevention. It is the area in charge of being the eyes of the board of directors within the organization, to detect, correct and improve the execution of processes and resources, so that they are best suited to the needs of the business. That is to say, it is an extension of the board to advise the different members of the administration in those points where they must always improve in order to create a better organizational capacity to meet the business objectives. We can help you assess your internal audit team’s capacity and take you to world class practices.

 Fixed Assets Inventory


Physical Inventory is a seemingly simple task, but must be carefully planned and executed. We have a methodology for this service, which includes:

  • Reconciliation of physical stocks with auxiliary registers.
  • Update liability cards.
  • Asset labeling and use of temporary tags.
  • Barcode and RFID technology.
  • Compatibility with SAP, Oracle and other ERP.
  • Support specialists for the valuation of assets if necessary.
  • Reference use of logbooks.
  • ABC classification for debugging auxiliary register.

Other services

      1. Transfer Pricing
      2. International Internal Audit Certification: Training internal auditors to approve international certification CIA Institute of Internal Auditors.
      3. Legal representation
      4. Business creation
      5. Training and Education